Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Instant translation - word by word

A useful translation feature available from google allows you to translate any english word on a web page into spanish. It allows you to use your mouse to hover over a word causing a spanish translation to appear:

I must admit that I don't happen to use this a lot, but I can see that it would be super useful for some people. And it does no harm to have it available. So the next time you idly wonder what is the spanish for ferret while reading your favourite blog, you don't have to type it into an online dictionary, or pull out your battered old dictionary.

How to do it....
First of all you should install the google toolbar from here

Once you have this running, click on the green Settings button on the right hand side of the toolbar, and choose the Option menu item. By default the Features tab should be visible. Tick the Translate menu box, click the 'Translate Settings' button and select Spanish from the pulldown menu. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box.

Then look for the Translate button in the toolbar, click it and enable the word translator.

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